Devices Training

How to use Ground Navigator Metal Detector

How to use Ground Navigator Metal Detector

Gold Master provides you with an overview of the best 3D imaging device approved by the German missions to explore with advanced German technology to search for gold treasures, raw gold, caves and spaces.

Ground Navigator The device for detecting gold, minerals and voids provided by the German company (OKM), is the latest three-dimensional imaging device that detects gold and burials in the ground, and the device is characterized by high accuracy and sensitivity and makes the process of detecting ancient tombs simple by capturing images of the device. 

Three-dimensional targets determine the size and shape of the target in the ground, as you can know the depth of the target in centimeters before the digging process begins.

We will review with you the most important features of the device:

* The device contains 4 research systems, which facilitates the search process for the user and gets the goals easily.

* The device is characterized by three-dimensional imaging technology, up to a depth of 40 meters under the ground.

* The device is characterized by an analytical program that is the most accurate and efficient in the world, this program helps you to know all the information about your target in the ground, such as determining the zero point of the target, the target size, width and length, as well as the depth of the target.

* The device contains an imaging sensor that gives the best image with 100% accuracy and clarity.

* The device is manufactured with the technique of insulation and not being affected by the radioactive rocks that confuse the researcher and give inaccurate results.

The available research systems in the Ground Navigator:

1- Distinction system between minerals:

It is the system that the researcher uses as a first step in the research process in order to be able to know the types of minerals present in the place of the search and enable him to know if the minerals in the search area are valuable or not before the drilling process begins, and this is done by using the sensor and directing to the ground during the search process and it appears You get the results directly on the screen.

2- Magnetic system:

It is the system that the researcher uses to identify and locate the target’s center point, whether the target is metal or caves and spaces, and this is done by using the sensor and directing it to the ground during the search process, and the result will appear to you on the screen of the device. Red balloon, this means the presence of metal.

3- 3D imaging system:

It is the system that the researcher uses to take a three-dimensional image of the targets in the ground and then use this image on the analytical program to obtain all the target information and make sure that the target is 100% valuable.

4- Direct Imaging System:

This system is used by the researcher to obtain a quick and immediate result to ensure that there are targets in the search area.

Finally, based on the results provided by the Ground Navigator with those searching for treasures and archaeological tombs in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan and Lebanon, as well as with those looking for raw gold in Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Africa, Gold Master advises you to use the Ground Navigator device and nominates this device for you as the first choice to obtain certain results 100%